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Finding Peace by Understanding Our Beliefs


Our beliefs are powerful, shaping not only how we see ourselves but also our relationships and view of the world. Even though they are just thoughts we hold to be true, beliefs feel woven into the fabric of who we are. The mechanism of belief evolved to guide and protect humans and is hard-wired into our survival system. It’s understandable, then, why we often respond emotionally or defensively when a core belief is challenged, sometimes even experiencing a fight-or-flight response—anger, rage, escape, or freeze, to name a few.

Here are some examples of beliefs we may recognize:

  • “I am only worthy if I am productive and successful.”

  • “The poor are lazy and just need to work harder.”

  • “I would be happy if I lost weight or had more money.”

  • “The world is unsafe, especially those kinds of people.”

Have you heard some of these before? Beliefs are not always true, and some may even hold us back from finding genuine peace and fulfillment. But, they can change over time, especially when we allow ourselves to pause and question whether they still serve us.

Understanding Why We Hold Beliefs So Dearly

For our ancestors, shared beliefs created a sense of safety and belonging, which was crucial for survival. This holds true today, as beliefs continue to provide comfort and stability. Family shapes our earliest beliefs about ourselves, and religion may give us a sense of community and purpose. However, when someone questions a belief, it can feel deeply personal; our brain’s wiring tightly weaves our beliefs with our sense of identity and security.

In today’s world, media and social media have a significant impact on our beliefs, with far-reaching consequences. Social media “reads” us and feeds us whatever keeps us engaged, creating “echo chambers” where our existing beliefs are constantly reinforced, sometimes without our awareness or regard for truth and accuracy. As social media increasingly influences our beliefs, it can create for an individual their own personal “reality” to support them.

Navigating Differing Beliefs with Compassion

In recent years, social divides have deepened, making it challenging to have open conversations around sensitive topics like politics or religion. Questioning a belief can trigger an emotional rather than logical response. By recognizing this dynamic, we can begin to approach differing beliefs with greater compassion.

Instead of trying to change others’ beliefs, we can listen actively and empathetically, reducing defensiveness. We can share our own perspectives calmly, saying something like, “I see things differently, but I respect where you’re coming from.” Allowing for differing beliefs doesn’t mean we agree, but it does mean we respect another’s right to their view. This acceptance can be a step toward bridging divides and finding peace in relationships.

Why Questioning Beliefs Brings Inner Peace

Questioning our beliefs isn’t always easy, but it can be deeply rewarding. A belief may have served us in the past, yet it may no longer fit who we are today. By exploring the origins of our beliefs and assessing whether they still serve us, we can find greater clarity, inner peace, and growth.

How to Begin: Three Simple Questions

If you’re ready to start exploring, choose an area of your life—relationships, success, or health—and ask:

  1. Where did this belief come from?

  2. Does it still serve me?

  3. Does this belief align with who I am today?

This self-inquiry can open us to new perspectives, allowing for greater harmony within ourselves and with others. It’s in this place of self-awareness and acceptance that we find a sense of peace that transcends our beliefs.

If you’re looking to go deeper and explore how releasing old beliefs can bring more calm and connection into your life, consider joining us at our upcoming Soul Journey: Finding Peace retreat on November 16. This day-long retreat provides a space to reflect, release, and connect with like-minded souls in a peaceful setting. With only three spaces left, we’d love to have you with us on this journey to finding peace.

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